At the beginning of the summer, it feels like you have all the time in the world. Yet the summer months are fleeting, and the days go by quickly. The sooner you start health routines, the more satisfied you’ll feel when the days get cooler, and the leaves start falling.
Here are some simple tips for keeping your family happy and healthy this summer that you can start today.
Check Your Indoor Air Quality
Start summer the right way by checking your indoor air quality and having your air conditioner serviced. When an air conditioner is on the fritz, it often causes temperature fluctuations and fails to adequately control humidity levels. This issue can lead to mold growth, illness, and even chemical leaks.
One of the best AC Services you can book each spring is an annual tune-up. During this appointment, an HVAC specialist will inspect your air conditioner and ensure everything is running properly. Many can also test the air quality and let you know what issues you’re facing and how to fix them.
If you’re keeping the windows closed for the air conditioning, consider turning it off and leaving them open a few evenings a week to air things out. You can also invest in a few small air purifiers to help.
And while you’re into checking your indoor air quality, never forget to get an appointment with this cosmetic dentist in Ballwin to keep your family’s dental health in check.
Eat Seasonal Food
Eating a seasonal diet offers several benefits. Summer produce is fresh and diverse, with plenty of nutrients to keep your family healthy. If you purchase local seasonal foods, they’ll also offer added nutrition as they spend less time in transit. This is a great way to shop locally while improving your nutrient intake.
Eating local seasonal produce also has positive benefits for the environment, thanks to diminished transit time. Veggies, fruit, and salads also make a great, cold side dish, so you don’t have to turn on the oven in the summer months. Less time in the kitchen and more nutrients is a win-win.
Prioritize Sun Protection
Sun protection is everything during the summer months. In addition to using a high-quality SPF sunscreen, it’s also important to use physical barriers to your advantage. Create shady spots in your yard where you can retreat and wear a hat and UV-proof sunglasses.
Depending on your area, consider scheduling some indoor time for peak hours during the day. While getting outside and active is important during the summer months, sometimes it can do more harm than good.
Create a Hydration Challenge
Ensuring everyone is well-hydrated is another essential aspect of summer health. Keep everyone motivated by setting up a hydration challenge with prizes. You can make it more engaging by purchasing everyone a new water bottle for the summer.
While there’s no specific recommendation for water intake (the eight glasses is a generalization), aim for about half of your body weight (pounds) in ounces. It’s worth noting that you can also gain hydration through food. Encouraging everyone to eat more fruit can help with overall hydration.
Spend Time Unplugged
Consider setting technology limits for the entire household, ensuring everyone has some input and a chance to speak their mind about this rule. Scheduling unplugged periods or rules about earning tech with other activities will help minimize the sunny days wasted inside.
Create a New Tradition
Mental health and social connections are also an aspect of summer wellness. Use this opportunity to create new bonding experiences through summer traditions. Maybe you have a favorite beach to go to or plan a picnic for the first day of summer vacation. Many families create a summer bucket list filled with fun activities and try to get as many done as possible before the summer ends.
The summer months are a great time to get moving and reconnect with your family and friends. Try these tips to stay happy and healthy this summer.