glamping camping

How To Make Sure You Have Everything You Need For Your Camping Trip

Camping is one of the best hobbies that a person or family can enjoy. There are so many great things about returning to nature and escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life. Camping provides the increasingly rare opportunity to reset and relax. 

However, an improperly planned trip can end up an unpleasant experience, or worse, it can even be dangerous. As long as you’re prepared and properly equipped, camping is a great pass time. That means equipment.

Let’s face it, camping equipment is cool. I mean, it’s really cool. People of all creeds love to buy camping equipment, often more than they enjoy camping itself. But there is a lot of it and the more you bring, the better your experience will be. At least within reason. You don’t want to carry 100 kilograms of gear far up into the mountain.

Safety Gear Is The Number One

Camping requires a lot of gear. But the thing that is most important is the thing that will save your life. Some of this gear is specific and reserved only for emergency events, others are common items that are essential for life or are commonly forgotten. Here is a list of the common things required to be prepared and to have a safe camping adventure:

  • Water – plenty of water. This is the number one thing people seem to forget when they go camping. Usually, people don’t forget to bring water, they misjudge the amount they need and they end up bringing far too little. Water is particularly important if you’re going off-trail. You might think a few bottles is enough for a night, only to get stuck for some reason for a few days. 
  • First-aid equipment – this one is obvious but usually neglected. There is an endless list of things that should be included in your first-aid kit. Choosing which ones to bring can be pretty tough. A camping trip has some specific risks and the kit should take those into consideration. Here are a few things that should be included in your camping kit: tweezers for removing splinters(or stingers!), antiseptic wipes, bactrin or iodine, gauze, medical tape, bandage wraps, safety pins, scissors, antihistamines(for stings), an EpiPen if possible, and basic medications such as acetaminophen. 
  • Proper clothing – many people go camping without careful consideration into their wardrobe. You’ll be in the elements, so make sure you bring more than a tank top and flip-flops. Hiking shoes, long pants and sleeves, a hat, and glasses should be brought at least. Don’t forget your suncream either.   

Tools And Equipment

Camping is full of gadgets. It’s easy to go overboard on these things but having the right tool for a job makes a world of difference. And camping and hiking gear is some of the coolest stuff to buy and bringing the right amount is a little difficult to do. The trick to being properly equipped without being bogged down is to be aware of exactly the type of camping you will be doing. 

Are you going off-trail without access to water and firewood? Or are you walking 10 meters from the car to set up your tent? 

If you’re using a state or privately-owned camping facility, you don’t need to bring too much. But the irony is that you can bring as much as you want without burden because you’ll be close to your car. 

If you are camping at a facility, you don’t need much. Each site has different options available, so it’s still a good idea to at least bring the basics like water, something to chop wood and start a fire, sleeping materials, toilet paper, and basic cooking gear. 

If you’re out in the wild and rouging it, the list grows considerably(as does your weight concerns). In this instance, you’ll need a lot of equipment and you might want to some redundant equipment too for the most important things.

Don’t Forget Your Blanket

One of the most common camping regrets is the lack of warm clothing or blankets. Camping trips are often done in the spring, summer, or fall. If you’re pushing it on the season and going out early spring or late fall, this one is particularly important. It’s going to get colder than you expect. You don’t want to spend all night shivering and fighting over a single thin blanket. 

Finally, it’s a good idea to make a checklist of all the things you need and be sure to fulfill that list and double-check it again before you roll out. Include everything discussed here and be sure to include all the other things you need as well. Make sure you don’t forget the cooking gear, a cooler, smores supplies, a kettle, cups, plates, a flashlight, sleeping bag, tent, and other basics. 

Take some time to think about each thing you’d like to do while staying in the outdoors and make sure you’ve got everything you need to complete those activities in style. Remember to plan carefully for bulk and weight if you’re going off-trail or have a significant hike before you reach camp. In those situations, make sure you’re carrying lots of the heavy stuff, water. If you bring the basics and a few treats to liven it up, you’re sure to have a great and relaxing time hanging out in the forest.