Seclusion IPA from New Planet is a strong entry that stands on its own in a largely crowded India Pale Ale category, and it is also happens to be the best gluten reduced beer that I have ever had. This is one of the first beers to be introduced from New Planet Brewery’s innovative gluten reduced beer line and and it makes me very excited for what they have coming down the pipe. New Planet is using a novel way of removing gluten from beer that allows them to brew with actual gluten-filled ingredients such as regular malted barley and grains, then they use a special process to remove the vast majority of the gluten from the finished product. This is a real beer that has had its gluten removed, not the brown water substitutes that we are all accustomed to from other gluten reduced and gluten free options.
New Planet is using a novel way of removing gluten from beer that allows them to brew with actual gluten-filled ingredients such as regular malted barley and grains, then they use a special process to remove the vast majority of the gluten from the finished product. This is a real beer that has had its gluten removed, not the brown water substitutes that we are all accustomed to from other gluten reduced and gluten free options.
Upon pouring from the can to a pint glass Seclusion IPA builds a light and fluffy white head that builds quickly then dissipates into a nice thin foam that aerates the complex flavors and nose well. The nose itself is pleasant and slightly hop forward with a hint of malt that readies your palate for the taste that is about to come. The color is a light and clear amber copper that has a perfect level of carbonation that is uniform and releases the flavor and underlying notes well. The taste and mouthfeel is where this beer excels; it keeps to style perfectly with its hop forward profile that is present but not intimidating or overbearing. Seclusion finishes extremely well with a subtle but not overwhelming bite. The mouthfeel is smooth and the biscuity malts play extremely well with caramel overtones. Seclusion finishes smooth and clean with floral and pine notes.
Seclusion IPA from New Planet is a very well-balanced and formidable beer that just happens to be gluten reduced, I would drink this any day as a go to IPA when I am in the mood for something that is more on the mellow side. For those that have a gluten insensitivity or allergy New Planet Brewing it is a gift from above because for once they can finally enjoy a real beer made from real ingredients.