
Rain, Rain Go Away: Rainy Day Clothes

One of the worst feelings is waking up when it’s raining, realizing you have nothing to wear that you don’t want to get wet. You do everything you can walking into work, but no matter what your suede shoes get soaked, your good hair day is gone, and now you’re forced to sit in wet clothing for half the day. Prepare yourself for a rainy day with these pieces.

A good umbrella is the best defense against rain. Keeping the umbrella simple is the best (can you include something like this as the header photo) way to go. The header photo is a perfect example of an umbrella suited for men and can be found through a simple amazon search. The wooden, curved handle is a classic design and a 48” canopy is plenty enough to cover your body. And picking it up as soon as possible is important. You don’t want to be seen coming into work holding your daughter’s umbrella (even though that would be adorable).

For commuters, umbrellas aren’t very practical, so you must rely on waterproof clothing. If you have a strict dress policy and have to wear dress shoes, galoshes are a must. The rubber will protect the leather from getting too wet, which will ruin the dye on the shoes. I recommend Swims galoshes, but really any rubber galosh will work.

Outwear is last on the ballot. The Macintosh raincoat works well in a dressy setting. Khaki will work with most suits, unless you’re wearing a khaki suit. If you work in a casual setting, any outwear that is waterproof will work. Barbour will last a lifetime and normally you can wear them in spring and fall. A lighter outerwear is an anorak. Anorak are pull-over jackets that breathe well and repel light drizzle, ideal for long commutes.

Don’t be the laughing stock of the office with your daughter’s umbrella. Don’t be miserable for half the day. Get these pieces of clothing, resist the elements, and stay dry my friends.