If you are stuck at home but you’re used to being at the gym, it can be quite the change to your exercise routine. Whereas before you had all of the equipment that the gym had to offer and other people working out beside you, you’re now alone with whatever you have in your home. But, this doesn’t have to be an issue and in fact, there are plenty of ways that you can ensure that you are getting your exercise in when you are stuck at home. If you would like to find out more about this topic, keep reading down below to find out more.
Use Your Furniture
The first thing that you are going to need to think about is using your furniture. Whereas in the gym you will have been able to use weights to do squats and benches for other exercises, you can now use heavy books, and the sofa or chairs. Improvising doesn’t mean that the exercise is of a lower quality, so don’t worry about this. As long as you have something solid to lean on for certain exercises, and something that can act as a weight when you need it to, then everything is going to be fine.
Just make sure that you are being careful if you have a health condition as there is nobody around to aid you if you hurt yourself and you will have to wait for help. For example, if you have scoliosis then think about the exercises you were doing at the gym, and do them at home but don’t try to make them more complicated or intense without help.
YouTube Workout Videos
Something else that you might find super helpful are workout videos. You can find these on YouTube and all over the internet, as long as you are typing in the correct search terms. Obviously some of the best are going to be ‘best home workouts’ and ‘workouts from home’ and these should keep you going until you can get back in the gym. You never know, you might actually find that you prefer working out from the comfort of your own home.
These are going to be super simple to follow, so you don’t have to worry about them being too difficult. If you do find them a little tricky though, choose a simpler one and then work your way up to the more advanced workouts.
If You Have A Garden
If you have a garden, then you should be making the most of it. You can’t run or jog inside, but you can take advantage of the outside space. As well as this, if it is hot, then it is better to workout outside than inside due to the amount that you are going to sweat, and the fresh air is going to be good for you. There are plenty of exercises that you can do outside, and you can take whatever equipment that you were using with you.
Or, if you have children, you can play with them outside and this will count for your exercise. Kids are energetic and playing with them often involves a lot of movement, so you can count running after them as part of your workout for the day.
It’s About The Motivation
If you want to keep working out when you are stuck at home, this is down to you. It is quite disheartening and lonely when you have been stuck at home for so long, so you might feel like you want to give up and not bother anymore. But, making sure that you stick to your routine is all about the motivation, so you may have to give yourself the kick up the butt to keep going. Remember why you started working out, and remember that if you weren’t stuck at home, you would be at the gym completing this. Being at home is no excuse to give up, and this is what you need to remind yourself.
Get Your Kids Involved
Another thing that you can consider is getting your kids actively involved in your workouts. If you do this and they enjoy it, then it is another reason for you to keep going with the routine that you have set out. You can include your kids in a number of ways, including asking them to complete the exercises with you, or you can include them by using them in your workout. For example, if you need a weight while you do press-ups, have them sit on your back. Or, hold them while you squat. Of course, this is going to depend on the age and weight of your children because you can’t do this if they are too big.
You Can Still Go On Walks
Finally, even if you are stuck at home you can still go on walks. If you don’t want to go outside and walk which you don’t have to, you can do the next best thing. Open all the windows in your home so that the fresh air gets in, and walk around the house. Go up and down the stairs, around all the rooms, and do this until you feel like you are satisfied with what you have done. It is simple, and it might feel silly in the beginning, but it is getting you the exercise, and the fresh air that you need which will help with your mental health.
Walking is one of the most chilled out exercises there is, which is why so many people love it. You don’t have to give that up just because you are inside.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do if you want to keep exercising while you are stuck at home. If you take this advice, you are not going to have to give up on your workouts simply because you can’t hit the gym anymore. We wish you the best of luck, and hope this has provided you with the information that you wanted!