You can stop snoring simply by making a few lifestyle and diet changes. Let’s take a look at five highly effective ways to stop snoring that anyone can do, no matter how their body is built or what they find difficult. This information could be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a restless night of sleep!
Watch What, When, and How Much You Eat And Drink
Many foods and beverages will trigger snoring, especially in people who are already predisposed to snore. Some of the worst offenders include alcohol, chocolate, caffeine, peppermint, garlic, most dairy products (if you’re lactose intolerant), fatty or fried foods. On the topic of how to stop snoring, nutrition plays a vital role in the sense that these foods and drinks should be avoided before bed. When you eat before bed, you’re allowing the food to sit in your stomach and ferment, which will cause you to snore. If you eat too much food, especially too much of the wrong types of food, you will feel bloated and uncomfortable when you lie down at night. This discomfort contributes to difficulty breathing which also causes snoring.
To reduce your snoring, you should be very careful about what beverages you choose before bed. Some drinks, such as herbal tea or warm milk, can actually help to soothe your throat and promote a good night’s rest. However, if you drink too much of this type of beverage before bed, you will be groggy and half-asleep when you wake up in the morning. To avoid this problem, limit your intake of herbal tea or warm milk before bed to one or two cups per night.
Reduce Salt Intake
Another contributing factor to snoring is excess salt intake. Eating too many salty foods will cause you to retain more water in your system, making it more difficult for air to move easily through your throat at night. The tissues of your throat need room to vibrate when the volume of exhaled air hitting them is increased, which also contributes to snoring. To reduce your salt intake and prevent snoring, avoid heavily salted snack foods like chips and pretzels and make sure to read the labels on packaged or processed foods before you buy them.
Avoid Alcohol At All Costs
Many people drink alcohol at night because it helps them relax and sometimes even fall asleep faster. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that alcohol is a known trigger of snoring. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows down the central nervous system. As the CNS becomes less active, it requires less oxygen and its demand on your body (including your respiratory system) decreases. The result of drinking alcohol before bed is an often temporary yet nightmarish condition known as sleep apnea. In severe cases, people who drink alcohol before bed will stop breathing entirely while they’re asleep. To avoid this problem and to prevent snoring, don’t drink any alcohol in the hours leading up to your bedtime.
Activate Exercise And Reduce Stress
You probably already know that exercise is a great way to get healthy and stay healthy, but did you know that it’s also a great way to reduce snoring? Exercising in the hours before bed is highly effective in reducing body fat percentage, which will allow your throat to open up more when you sleep. Not only is exercise a great way to prevent snoring, but it’s also a natural stress reducer and sleep enhancer.
See A Doctor
If you continue to snore even after making lifestyle and dietary changes and trying out some of the tips given above, you may need to see a doctor. Snoring is only a problem if it’s keeping you awake at night or if your partner complains about it constantly. If this is the case, schedule an appointment with a specialist who can diagnose what’s causing your snoring and give you helpful advice on how to stop snoring. Health conditions that could be the reason for snoring include acid reflux disease, obesity, and enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Snoring can also be triggered by allergies or other environmental factors. If you have allergies that trigger your snoring, a simple solution would be to have a doctor prescribe you some decongestants and invest in an air purifier and ionizer.
In conclusion, there are many simple ways that one can reduce or eliminate snoring. While most people think they have no control over their condition, the truth is that almost anyone can do something themselves to minimize their cases of snoring. With patience and time, these solutions could make all the difference for you and your bed partner.