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5 Supplements to Take This Winter

Interested in supplements? Are you someone who takes their health seriously? Do you worry about colds and flus that arise when the colder months of wintertime come back around again? 

Well, worry no more! Our bodies are natural fighters. They’re built to defend themselves once the temperature drops. So much so, a healthy diet and lifestyle are usually good enough to fight off any winter nasties. 

But if you’re particularly worried about feeling fatigued and under the weather, there are numerous supplements you can take. Sea Moss can be your go-to supplier for all your natural remedies. Check them out. 

Stay happy, healthy, and extra-energized this winter with these 5 vitamins and minerals. It’s all about staying vigilant and staying on top of the extra health concerns that come our way.

Vitamin D 

What’s it good for? Healthy Bones 

Vitamin D (commonly known as the sunlight vitamin) is typically created by our own bodies through exposure to sunlight. But with winter lacking in summertime rays, taking supplements can help avoid vitamin D deficiency. On top of improving bone health, vitamin D is also proven to fight certain diseases and ease your sad winter blues. 

High Vitamin D Foods: Fish, dairy, and mushrooms. 

Vitamin C

What’s it good for? A healthy immune system

You probably already know how important vitamin C is for boosting your immune system. But if a fresh glass of orange juice doesn’t seem enough, taking vitamin C supplements can help awaken its power even more. On top of fighting winter colds, vitamin C also improves skin and hair health. 

High Vitamin C Foods: Oranges, cranberries, cabbage, and peppers. 

Vitamin B

What’s it good for? Boosting your energy

Do you often feel tired and sluggish in the winter months? Well, you may be lacking in vitamin B. It works wonders on the body’s energy production, but also improves the healthy function of the nervous system. What’s more, vitamin B improves cell regeneration in our muscles and skin. 

High Vitamin B Foods: Whole grains and red meats.


What’s it good for? All sorts of bodily functions.

Iron is a mineral that helps the body produce hemoglobin (the protein that carries vital oxygen around the body). So it’s pretty vital! Iron supplements help regulate body temperature, improves brain function, and maintains healthy cell growth. Iron deficiency is a health concern that should be taken seriously. Please seek advice from a doctor if you are showing signs and symptoms. 

High Iron Foods: Beans, lentils, red meats.


What’s it good for? A healthy immune system

Zinc comes in hand for all sorts of bodily functions, including wound-healing, digestion, hair and skin growth, and regulating the metabolism and the nervous system. Perhaps most importantly, zinc increases the production of immune cells in our blood – precisely what you need when the cold viruses start spreading more rapidly during the winter months. 
High Zinc Foods: Nuts, seeds, and shellfish.