No matter how long you’ve been together with your current SO, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of comfort. You get used to each other, perhaps a bit too much, and forget to cherish those small things that you used to enjoy. While there are some relationships you won’t be able to fix, there is always something you can do to appreciate each other a bit more.
If you’re in a relationship that’s going through a dip, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a handful of ways to enjoy each other a bit more so that both of you can embrace spring and all of its romance.
First: Focus on enjoying each other
A lot of people in relationships seem to think that once the passion you had is cooling off, the main thing you need to work on is to keep things interesting in the bedroom. This can feel a bit forced to some – and do more harm than good if one only focuses on an interesting sex life, while the other is missing a deeper connection and building resentment towards the other.
In fact, most couples at the start of a relationship nurtured all the other aspects first. They got to know each other and had a laugh – then, a spicy sex life comes as a treat. By all means, rekindle your passion in the bedroom as well, just don’t think this is going to rekindle your entire relationship.
Making a bit of effort in terms of maintaining a good relationship with each other can be as simple as showing your SO that you’re thinking about them from time to time; send them this article on a flying motorcycle, for example, or a cute cat video and you’ll suddenly enjoy something together a bit more.
Things take time, and if you’re feeling like your partner isn’t interested in listening to you anymore, or you keep picking fights with each other, a romantic candle-light bedroom just isn’t going to cut it.
Next: Rekindle your old hobbies
Think back to what you used to do when you started dating; picnics in the green, running together or even binge-watching Netflix could remind you of who you used to be. Take the initiative to wake up from your everyday-slumber, go out there and do something together. It doesn’t have to be something grand but perhaps just enough to rekindle an old spark.
It’s no doubt that relationships can be hard work from time to time, but remember that it shouldn’t always be that way; we all need to invest love in them and make some sacrifices, but if you feel like you’re missing out on other parts of your life or that it’s a downward spiral of doom no matter how hard you try, it could simply be that you’ve come to an end.
That happens – and staying in an unhappy relationship will not do anyone any good.
These few tips and tricks are meant to inspire you to keep things interesting, not to save a toxic relationship. If in doubt, listen to your heart as well as your family and friends – they know you so well, and only want what’s best for you, after all.