Hosting a weekend party night can be a great way to relax and socialize with your friends and family after a busy week at work. However, you should know that this involves some time to plan and organize, so you can become a cordial host. Aside from creating an enjoyable atmosphere for the small group of people you invite, you will also need to make sure you offer them a the perfect drink selection. There are a couple of approaches you can take when selecting beverages for your upcoming party, and here are some of them.
Preparing a Full Bar
Although it’s the most expensive stocking approach, a full bar can be a great option if you aren`t yet familiar with your attendees’ preferences. It will require you to have a well-stocked bar, containing all the essential spirits. You will also need to learn how to mix up and serve a wide selection of beverages, from simple drinks with ice to complicated cocktails. If you are willing to invest a little bit of time and money and learn some basic bartending skills, you will be able to offer your guests their favorites.
Having a Drink Menu
By preparing a specific menu of party drinks, you can encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and discover some new tastes. The smaller the number of drinks you include, the fewer ingredients you will need to stack upon. This will make it far less expensive than the previous option. Your menu should contain one or two classic cocktails, a drink with stronger alcoholic content, and a few mocktails as well. Don’t forget to add a deliciously looking mystery drink to get your guests intrigued in trying it out.
Offering Signature Drinks
Nothing makes for a better conversation starter at a party than offering the perfect drink. Or even if you manage to learn how to prepare one cocktail and mix it well in advance, it will still be greatly appreciated. However, learning how to make this drink could allow you to offer a more luxurious experience for your guests that they will hardly forget. What’s more, you can learn how to make a classic piece like this and either put a twist on it or just simply rename it for the duration of the night.
Pitcher Cocktails
If you have a larger number of guests, and you don’t want to miss out on socializing with them, you can always opt for a more hands-free approach. By having a couple of drink options in pitchers, so your guests can serve themselves. Plus, you can prepare most beverages well in advance and have them chilled, which will save you the trouble of stocking up on the ice. You will only need to worry about the carbonated option before the party, as these need to be poured right before they are served.
Theme Bar Options
The themed bar feature is based on the same concept as the full one, except here, you can leave out the unpopular options, which you might never use anyway. Including a maximum of two types of alcohol will be more than enough, along with a smaller number of cocktails, plus the classics like beer, wine, and of course, nonalcoholic beverages. The beauty of this approach is that it usually works for any liquor, as long as you serve them appropriately.
The Classics
To cater to the non-cocktail drinkers on your guest’s list and those who aren’t fans of hard liquor either, it’s a good idea to stock a few wine options. When doing this, keep in mind what food you will be serving, as the wine should complement it. White wine is the traditional go-to option with light finger food, especially if you are hosting a garden party in warmer weather. Red wine is usually served with full course meals. However, it won’t hurt you to prepare a bottle or two either, as you might run into a red wine lover. If the party is for a special occasion, you will also need to add champagne to your selection.
Your approach will depend on your preferences, as well as that of your guests. Although you are free to encourage people to try new drinks, they will always have their favorites, so you will need to make sure you stock up on the ingredients to make them. Remember, a party lasts for an average of 3 hours, and you will need to be able to continue serving that perfect drink during that time. And don’t forget to prepare the appropriate glassware and garnisher either, for no party will be complete without them.