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How to Handle an Accident With an Uninsured Motorist

Any accident, especially road collisions can inflict so much abruption into our lives, we can be hit hard emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially. In the most severe of cases, it can cause our lives to feel like they have been blown to pieces, as we struggle to see any way out of this dreadful situation particularly when we are hit by an uninsured motorist! Even though the minimum amount of liability insurance is legally required in almost every state in the USA, we still find irresponsible drivers that ignore the law and choose to cruise around with absolutely zero insurance, not taking into account the crippling consequences that will arise for the poor guys they may crash into. Being involved in a collision with a driver without insurance can cause so much destruction and can cause an abrupt halt on our home life and work-life. However, the reality is it can happen to any of us.

We can find ourselves placed in the stressful situation of financial damage, down to the fact that we cannot carry on work, miss out on family time because of serious injury, and sometimes can lose all confidence behind the wheel altogether! Yes, it can create such a negative impact on our lives. Well guys, here is some crucial advice on what to do if you ever do find yourself in this unfortunate scenario!

So you have been smashed into by a motorist. Not only has your car endured significant damage but you also feel that you have been knocked into next year and are suffering from some serious whiplash. What do you do?

Inform the Police

It is crucial when involved in any car accident that you call the police and always report the collision, whether the driver is insured or not. Making sure to report the accident will ensure you obtain the evidence you need to aid in getting your expenses covered and will make the whole claims process simpler if you are contending with an uninsured motorist.

Do Not Accept Cash

Due to the driver being uninsured motorist they could be looking at being faced with some substantially heavy fees and fines. Because they will be well aware of this, they will offer you cash to try and make the problem disappear, avoiding any legal consequences. There is no way you will have any idea of just how much damage has been incurred to yourself and your vehicle, so resist any temptation of accepting a cash settlement, as you may end up extremely out of pocket in the long run.

Always Exchange Information and Note Down Details

The driver may not have any insurance details however, it is still crucial that you obtain details such as their contact information and the vehicle details. Also, make sure to make a note of where the collision took place, the time, and the date. It is a good idea to get the officer’s name and badge number who attended the site of the accident, as all this important information will help you when working together with your insurance provider.

Obtain Visual Evidence 

It is essential that you obtain any visual evidence of the damage inflicted on your vehicle. Take photographs of any destruction, the license plate of the other driver involved, the direction in which the motors were traveling, and any traffic signs in the vicinity of the area. This information will be incredibly important when filing a claim with your insurance company.

Yes, it’s true, accidents are always going to be prone to happen and irresponsible drivers are evidently going to continue to dodge taking out insurance on their vehicles. Just bear in mind, if you were ever to find yourself landed in an accident with an insured motorist then take into account the factors mentioned above, to ensure the best possible outcome for yourself. Be safe!