How Technology Is Changing The World

It’s no secret that technology is changing the way we live and work, it is continually evolving and advancing, and as time goes on, we use and rely on it more and more and less on traditional methods. For example, people used to rely on library books, pens and paper, writing letters, etc. But now, we use the internet to find any information we want; we write emails, we type out resumes; technology has completely changed how people do simple tasks and made complicated ones easier.

Not only is technology advancing, but the world is also quickly becoming a place where culture, language, and food are integrating and heavily influencing each other.

So, what exactly is technology changing and how will it affect our lives?


The online learning industry is growing at a rapid rate and online, and various technological tools have taken over the education system. Thousands of courses and degrees are now studied online and have proved to be just as effective if not more than the traditional face-to-face learning. Students can study at their own pace, and can easily repeat parts of the course they have questions about.


Automation is when a computer, a device or piece of machinery can do a job without you helping it along. You may not realise how often you use automation, but it can be something as simple as a thermostat or a coffee maker. You control how you want something done, but it is done entirely by the machinery being used. It tends to be looked at as a negative when looking into the future because people worry that robots or machinery will take people’s jobs.

The Breakout Project gave an excellent example of why this could not be a big concern, saying: “When a lawyer no longer needs to constantly sift through data and legal issues just to find one case, he/she can focus on other aspects of your case, such as finding creative ways to defend your case. Facts and fact-checking can be done by Artificial Intelligence because there is no emotional aspect necessary, and also because sometimes it’s a bit boring. The last thing you want is your lawyer to feel buried and overwhelmed with paperwork when they should be speaking with you and figuring out how to win your case.”

However, there are many concerns when it comes to the law as technology evolves to driverless cars and autonomous trucking, so because of this, technology is also changing the law too – you can find out more on


It is thought that by 2025, dementia and Alzheimer’s will be little to non-existent. Cancer treatments will not have so many harmful side effects and will not be as painful, and it is also predicted that type 1 diabetes will be entirely preventable by then (due to human genome engineering). Scientists have already started being able to tell what diseases and health problems people are at risk from just by doing a couple of simple tests. As technology continues to advance in the health industry, questions about scary diseases that have been unknown as to what causes it and what the cure it will be answered.


People now know more about disasters and information about what is happening all over the world, and you know about it instantly. Before the internet existed, if you did hear about something going on on the other side of the world, it was usually a period of time after it had happened. The internet connects us with people in every country, and we can instantly communicate with them, and we can find out whatever information we want about something by just typing in a couple of words.


It is easier than ever to communicate with people all over the world. While in the 1800s the primary form of communication was the telegraph we now have smartphones, social media, and video messaging which are taking over the world quickly. As technology continues to progress, who knows how we’ll be communicating in the future?

It is difficult to know all the benefits and dangers of the increase in technology; it is difficult to predict what will happen – which innovations will take off and which won’t? There is also no way of knowing what someone could currently be creating in their bedroom. So much of the technology that has changed our lives has come out of nowhere, so who knows what ideas are being cooked up in someone’s head and will soon be on our laptops.