No matter how well it serves you, there will come a time when you need to kiss goodbye to your old vehicle. Cars just don’t age well nowadays. A model from as little as a few years ago can look pretty dated on modern roads. This is especially the case with developments like electric cars and self-driving options. Give it a few years, and your 2010 release could start looking like something from the stone age.
Of course, these new fangled models come complete with pretty steep price tags. As such, most of us make the wise choice of selling our old cars to companies like Hawthorne Auto Square before we even think about buying new. That way, we ensure money in the bank to put towards our new efforts. Sadly, our old cars don’t always fetch the prices we’d like for them. That can leave us in a bad position, and it’s something worth considering before you put your vehicle on the market.
In reality, car prices can seem unpredictable. There are, of course, some standard price indicators. Exterior damage or engine trouble are sure to knock thousands off resale pruce. Sometimes, though, the things which impact value are altogether more surprising. And, it’s these you’ll want to address before the time comes to get a dealer involved. Keep on reading, then, to find out about the things you never thought would be a problem.
Okay, so most of us think that technology will impact resale price in some way. We’re living in a modern age, after all. It’s only natural to assume that you stand to see a more substantial offer if you have more tech installed in your vehicle. But, this isn’t always the case. Technology has an annoying habit of impacting resale value in a much more negative way. In part, this is because tech moves so fast at the moment. An infotainment system which was top-of-the-range even three years ago will seem ancient now. This can date a car no end and could see many people refusing to part with much cash. Why would they when they can buy options with infotainment systems which put yours to shame? In that sense, a car with just a basic stereo system could end up fetching you a little more. It’s also worth noting that people buying second hand don’t want to pay extra for posh systems. They would buy new if that interested them. Instead, cash-savvy buyers look out for basic models which do the job without costing more than necessary. Your tech-heavy car is never going to fit that bill. As such, a dealer or private buyer might not even look twice. So, you should think again before going mad with your in-car tech. Not only will it cost you to install, but it could end up stinging you later on.
Aftermarket additions
Aftermarket additions are little extras which you add to your car after purchase. For the most part, we vehicle owners focus on these because we want to spruce up our cars a little. Options on the market allow us to do anything from upgrading stereos to adding to our car suspension. Additions here can cost into the thousands. It’s no surprise, then, if you’re expecting something like this to increase resale value no end. Sadly, as with your technology, this could backfire in a significant way. That’s because few people even consider these additions when settling on second-hand prices. You’ll struggle to get a buyer to appreciate how much you spent on options like these. That means not making a cent more for your efforts. As if that weren’t enough, many aftermarket additions hinder resale value. Options like suspension upgrades can worsen wear and tear in your vehicle on the whole. These additions also tend to be pretty personal. You may think those wheel hubs are the best things going, but a potential buyer may see them as another thing which needs replacing. Before you know it, you’re facing a knock-off sale price. Don’t let it happen. Only ever buy aftermarket options which you would be happy to transfer from one car to another.
Color is a pretty confusing issue. Some people will tell you it helps resale value; others will tell you the opposite. So, who’s right? In reality, both sides have a point. Color can both help and hinder your chances at a decent amount of cash, and we’re going to look at why. Staple car colors, including white, silver, red, and black, are all pretty safe bets. They’re solid colors which have been top of the charts for a long time by this stage. As such, cars in these three options are sure to fetch more. By comparison, anything outside that basic scale could be heading for trouble. That’s because colorful vehicles are a pretty personal thing. You may love that bright purple design, but there are few other people out there who would. Yellow is another dodgy color. Many car productions have stopped through lack of interest here. You should be able to sell a model like this to a garage, but don’t be surprised if you get less for it. They’ve got to factor the risk of taking on a car which looks radioactive, after all. Interestingly, color popularity also varies depending on the area. Black cars in tropical locations don’t do half as well, for example, which leads us to our last point…
Something as simple as the climate in which you live can also make a massive difference to value. A hefty 4×4, for instance, is sure to fetch a pretty penny in a wet or cold climate. Try selling that same car in a hot and dry location, though, and you’re probably looking at a few grand less. Before you decide where to sell, then, think about the vehicle you have. If you could get more for it elsewhere, it might be worth looking further afield before settling on your local dealer.