Our modern cabin was perched right at the top of this lush mountain overlooking several small sugarcane-farming towns. Waking up to this view in the clouds was not terrible.

Why You Owe It to Yourself to Do a Staycation in a Cabin

Do you want to make the most out of your stay? Well, here’s the thing, most likely, you’re not really going to make the most out of anything if you’re having to be rushed. For example, if you’re going on a weekend trip, do you actually expect to make the most out of that? Will you actually be relaxing? What about a major-city European trip? 

Usually, every day you’re in a new city, you only get to see the highlights. It’s just next to impossible to truly make the most out of a trip if you’re in a rush. It’s hard to actually enjoy the surroundings and focus on the “here and now” when you’re doing this, too. So why not a staycation in a cabin?

It’s About Enjoying Slow Travel

Slow travel is all about immersing yourself in the present moment and appreciating the journey rather than rushing to tick off destinations from a list. The only thing that would be on your list would be what you’d want to do that day at the cabin or the surrounding area. For example, if you booked a stay at True North cabins, your list of what to do for the day might consist of canoeing on the lake, going for a walk, bird watching, sitting in the sauna, reading on the hammock, and the list could go on and on- and all of these sounds pretty relaxing right? 

It’s just about going slow and staying relaxed. You just need to keep in mind that a cabin staycation perfectly embodies this philosophy. It’s all about taking a step back, focusing on slowing down, breathing deeply, and truly relaxing. There’s no rush, no schedule to adhere to—just the gentle rhythm of the natural world.

It’s About Reconnecting with Nature

There’s something inherently soothing about being surrounded by nature- who doesn’t feel that immediate peace? The sight of towering trees, the sound of rustling leaves, and the scent of fresh pine can work wonders for your well-being. It’s about reconnecting with nature, something you don’t really get from a resort, hotel, or any overly tourist area. You get a calming backdrop, like sipping your morning coffee on the porch, hiking along nearby trails, or simply watching the sunset. These all sound pretty great, right? Also pretty relaxing!

Perfect Time to Unplug

While sure, most cabin rentals will have Wifi and cell service; you could still take this time to unplug from the world. Vacations should already be about this, but most folks just can’t help but to still stay connected. Just think about it: everyone’s lives are dominated by screens and constant notifications, making it difficult to truly disconnect and relax. 

There’s that pressure to immediately reply, but why? You’re on vacation; forget the rest of the world! Enjoy the simplicity of life without digital distractions, allowing your mind and body to recharge.

It’s About the Simple Pleasures

This goes back to the slow travel statement, and it’s about noticing the little things in life that you normally wouldn’t notice. Without the usual distractions of daily life, you can engage in meaningful conversations, play games, or simply enjoy each other’s company (like friends or family)  in a peaceful setting. You really get pulled back into what truly matters.