That magnificent fur face you see in that picture below? Despite what you may think, it comes with a lot of work especially when it comes to any time I am in front of customers, family, traveling, or generally awake. This furry creature adorning my face seems to spread like a vine down my neck and up my cheeks without regard to a crisp look I work towards.
Now, I have my routine which my girlfriend claims to be a bit excessive, but she has seen (and commented) when I have not taken the normal steps, and honestly, I can’t pull off the ragged look. It just isn’t me. So alongside the daily conditioning and oil I put in my beard comes the every 3 day or so trimming. It’s one of the aspects many men I have noticed forget/ignore/have no idea what to do. And honestly, it needs to change.
First off, you need a killer razor, something that will get the coarse hairs and slice them away with ease and no tug, all while having a great life. You could go with cheap brands through the mail, but I have found the blade deteriorates with minimal use within weeks leaving behind a line of tugged facial hair, red marks, and cuts. That is not pleasant.
I like the Schick Hydro 5 for this job specifically because it does the opposite of the poorly made alternatives while doing so at an affordable rate. And even when I am packing up to travel, I know I can grab some spare, clean blades at my local Shop Rite for a very affordable price.
So with the razor, I always go for the point where my chin meets my neck, evenly shaving across the neck at a downward pull. Now, some of you might need shaving cream for this, but after years of dry shaving in the Marines along side the Schick Hydro’s lubricating strip, I often just splash my face with hot water and go to town.
The next part, and really one of the more important areas, is right above the chop. This is the line that defines the beard on the cheek, often overlooked as the hairs are fine and thin, but can still make any man’s cheeks seem a bit puffier. And honestly, with the little hairs, it takes away from the rugged look the burly beard is attempting to define.
This time pulling the Schick Hydro 5 up and against the grain, I go mid cheek, right above the top of the thick of the bead, and shape the fur across. I don’t want to lose any mass, so I do make sure to pull up over the cheek, knowing that the hydro strip again will ensure no bumps or catches.
There you have it – the easiest trimming and maintenance you need for your beard. While some might say beards are a trend, others a right of passage, no matter how you wear that fur on the face, you need to do it right. Make your beard original, make it epic.
You can find the Schick Hydro series for clean shaving at your local Shop Rite or other fine stores.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Schick® Men’s Shave. The opinions and text are all mine.