The self-appointed “Front Page of the Internet,” reddit (and it IS a lowercase “r”) can be a confusing place. You ARE on reddit, aren’t you? If you’re not, go get on that. Sure, there’s a bit of a learning curve but once your in it becomes an addiction. To help newbies along that learning curve, or to reveal some secrets to masters, we’ve compiled the top 5 must-read subreddits for the modern gentlemen below:
5) r/Cocktails – It’s no secret that we here at F24 love our manly cocktails and drinks. The community in r/Cocktails are incredibly knowledgeable and can help everyone from the novice to expert discover some new drinks and ingredients to give a whirl this weekend.
4) r/MaleFashionAdvice – I’ve had hit-and-miss experiences on r/MaleFashionAdvice, but its still the best place I’ve found on reddit for outfit inspiration and keeping track of new trends. Fashion is of course a completely individual affair, so if this sub doesn’t scratch your itch feel free to start your own subreddit that more closely matches your personal style.
3) r/Manprovement – This sub is all about motivation. Largely consisting of simple quotes, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t help. This is your stop for all things inspiration. It’s perilously easy to get lost in a “reddit hole” and waste hours of your time, but r/Manprovement is usually more than enough to get you to get off your ass and moving toward your goals.
2) r/Cooking – Everyman should know how to cook. Full stop. This is a life skill that goes beyond just impressing dates or friends, it speaks directly to how you live your life. Many a man is lost or intimidated by the kitchen, but r/Cooking can bring even the most novice dorm room-living man up to snuff and making quality meals in no time.
1) r/EMSK – Standing for Every Man Should Know, r/emsk is the go-to place for manly skills and knowledge. I just discovered this sub last week but I’m already addicted. From quick videos to explanatory articles, r/emsk is my new #1 favorite subreddit and a must for any fan of FactoryTwoFour.
reddit works best when you customize your account and subscribe to all the best subreddits. For the modern gentlemen browsing through all the mess that the site has to offer, these subs are a great place to start.