I know, I know! You’re probably sick of hearing about how pounding the pavement is the best way to burn calories and stay as trim as possible. The good news is that you don’t need to do a roadrunner impression to remain in good shape. In fact, there are a myriad of options suitable for even the most running phobic of exercisers. Just read on to find out what they are.
Team sports
Team sports are for the most part a great way of staying in shape. The reasons being they usually cover a large field, pitch or court and that mean plenty of moving around during the game, but with a specific purpose like chasing the ball or marking your opposition.
Of course, the ultimate benefit of this type of activity is that you will be surrounded by your teammates and facing a common foe. Something that is bound to be much more motivational than just running mile after mile alone or on the treadmill.
Players also tend to stop and start quickly as well during the game, which means the exercise you will get it akin to HIIT and so can be particularly effective.
Home gym
For those that are looking for a way to stay fit and healthy, but are short on time, investing in something like this power rod home gym can be a smart move. After all, it folds up to a fraction of its size and so won’t infringe on the space in your home.
Additionally, with so many different functions a home gym can be one of the best ways to get a decent all-around workout without even having to leave your house.
While you may not enjoy running the roads, cycling team may be a totally different experience. In fact, cycling in its many forms is another incredible way of keeping fit and healthy and building muscle, especially the one in the upper and lower legs.
Of course, to be able to reap the benefits of this type of exercise you will need to invest in either a roadworthy bike, a mountain bike, or static fan, or spinning bike. You may even want to start with a small under-desk version to build up your resistance and then progress from there.
OK, so you may not have yoga on your radar for anything other than you rest days at the moment, but certain types can actually be an excellent way of keeping trim and building muscle as well. In particular, if you haven’t given it a go, why not try hot yoga, a practice that is done in a heated studio?
The benefits of this being that not only are your muscles loser and so you can push harder without fear of injury, but you get to sweat all those nasty toxins out of your system as well. This being a massive boon if you hit it too hard over the weekend and need a bit of detoxing to get you back on track!