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Must have tools for DIY enthusiasts

With bank holiday season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about what DIY projects you want to achieve this year. But before you go knocking down walls and upcycling pine furniture, you’ll want to make sure you have these must-have tools for DIY.


A circular saw is a must for any DIY enthusiast. Essential for cutting through materials like wood and MDF. 

Power drill

From putting up shelves to hanging cupboard doors, a power drill makes light work of making holes, as well as loosening and tightening screws and bolts – perfect for those DIY projects. Choose a cordless drill for added flexibility. 


Whether you want to create a picture gallery on your newly painted wall or you need to hammer in tacks to your flat-pack bookcase a hammer will always be needed. Choose a claw hammer for a multi-tasking piece of kit. 


Investing in a screwdriver set that includes flat heads, Philip screwdrivers and torx screwdrivers will ensure you’ll always have the right tool for the job. Whether you choose a screwdriver with a fixed head or one with multi-heads, you’re not a true DIY enthusiast unless you’ve got a collection of screwdrivers in your belt. 


To get that smooth finish before you paint your latest DIY project you’ll want to sand your surfaces. Whilst sandpaper is great for those final finishes and tight spaces, you’ll want to invest in a sander for those larger projects like finishing cupboard doors or shelves. 

Staple gun 

Reupholstering furniture is an effective way to update any interior and it all ends with a staple gun. Once you’ve found your chosen fabric and foam pad, you can then staple the materials to the furniture for a quick and easy project. 

Tape measure 

The key to any project is the premise of measure twice, cut once. A snap-back metal tape will help you measure large spaces, even when you’re working by yourself. Thanks to the locking button and easy to read measurements, when combined with a spirit level you’ll be well on your way to an expert DIYer. 


Of course, you’ll need somewhere to store all your tools for DIY projects. A toolbox will help keep everything in its place and will also help protect metal tools from becoming rusty if they’re left in outside sheds or garages.