Kohler Veil septic system

How to Choose the Right Septic System For Your Home

Septic systems are structures for the disposal of underground waste water that is widely used in rural areas without formal sewage systems. They use a combination of nature and proven technology to treat the wastewater created by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry from household plumbing.

The septic tank divides waste water and solids. The waste water is drained from the septic tank by soil-based systems into a series of perforated pipes buried in a drainfield. The challenge is to retain the waste water long enough to allow solids to settle down as sludge to the bottom, while the oil and grease float as scum to the top.

The septic system consists of three parts:

1. A septic tank

2. A drainfield

3. The soil

In this article, different types of septic systems will be discussed. It is important to know and choose the right septic system for your home.  All different shapes and sizes are available for septic tanks: tall or low, narrow or wide, and one or two compartments. Depending on your property or circumstances, each tank design has its benefits and disadvantages.

Because of their relatively low cost and long-lasting strength, concrete tanks are a common alternative. Normally, concrete tanks are mounted a few feet below ground, and their weight can render them unsuitable for some locations. 

Fiberglass is an excellent choice, but it has a reasonably high price, so many homeowners eventually have another option. High-density plastic tanks are lightweight, with optimum performance dimensions that are unrivaled.

How Septic Systems Work

Households that are not served by public sewers usually rely on septic systems for wastewater treatment and disposal. If properly cared for, years of reliable low-cost service would be supported by a well built, installed, and maintained system.

A failing system can become a source of pollution and public health concern, causing land, water, and air pollution and even outbreaks of disease. You should repair it once your septic system fails to work efficiently, costing you thousands of dollars. 

Plus, your septic tank must be in good working order if you sell your house. Therefore, knowing and caring for the septic system is important. Asking advice from a professional here is better and it will help you choose the right septic system. Professionals believe that they can help you choose the right septic system for your home. They will offer a variety of septic services that will be beneficial for you.

Different Kinds of Septic System

A list of the different kinds of septic systems that people can choose to build is as follows:

1. Conventional Septic System

This structure includes a tank and a gravel-filled underground drainfield. It’s used on home property and for small businesses. Because of the large size and the care that goes into designing this septic tank drain field layout, the septic tank is not the best option for all cases.

2. Chamber System

The septic tank of a chamber system does not use gravel, but it is set up in almost the same way as a traditional system. The price of a septic tank for this system is also much lower than that of a traditional system since it is simpler to deliver and install. Some material is made from plastic components.

3. Drip Distribution System

This form is one of the septic tanks which is not deep underground. It uses electricity and can require more frequent inspection of septic tanks or repair of septic tanks, as it is more complex than the traditional system.

4. Mound System

The mound system depends on the timed release of the treated water back into the field, just like the other solutions for home septic tanks. This type of septic system uses a mound of sand, which is the final filtration stage for the treated water. Whether it’s a 500-gallon septic tank or a 1500 gallon septic tank, this type of septic tank takes a great deal of space on your property.

5. Recirculating Sand Filter Septic System 

This kind of septic tank can be above the ground or below it. Before releasing it into the drainfield, it requires the use of a pump as well as a sand filter chamber to handle the water. The cost of installing septic tanks for this type of system is always high since it needs additional resources (a pump, sand).

6. Evapotranspiration System

The distinctive property of this system is that the tank’s water is released into the air instead of flowing into the sea. This uses an open-air tank as the final stage in the process, instead of a buried drainfield. To work properly, it needs wet, dry conditions.

7. Constructed Wetland System

An exposed but enclosed portion of plants, water, gravel, and sand is used to handle this form of a septic tank. The wastewater is treated to remove large solids inside the enclosed underground tank and then flows into the simulated wetland. For this type of system, a septic tank pump often impacts the plants as it drains the system.

8. Community/ Cluster System

This broader system is responsible for simultaneously treating water from many dwellings. Each home may have its septic tank, but the field lines of the septic tank are connected, meaning that all drains to one area and into one final distribution box of the septic tank.


Homeowners and inhabitants have a great impact on the efficiency of the septic system. A failure may be triggered by using more water than the machine was designed to accommodate. A septic tank may also be damaged by the disposal of chemical or waste organic matter, such as that from a garbage disposal. 

Frequently Check and Pump

Removing sludge and scum build-up until it washes into the drainfield is the most significant step in preserving your septic tank. How much your tank needs to be pumped depends on the tank capacity, the number of people in your household, the amount of water used, and the number of solids entering the system (from humans, waste disposal, and any other waste). Tanks can usually be pumped every 3 to 5 years.

There are many different kinds of septic systems. Some of them are closer to the surface to allow the air and sunlight to be used by their components. Some are buried underground, while some also feature tanks entirely above ground. Knowing which one is the perfect fit for your home is a must.