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6 Important Do’s And Don’t Of Parenting

Parenting is the greatest privilege and responsibility a person can have in this life. It’s not an easy task by a long chalk, yet it can be immensely fulfilling. There will always be some things you need to do, and others that must be avoided.

In this article, we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts of parenting so that you can make the most of this challenging but rewarding experience.

Do Plenty Of Research

Use blogs and specialist articles to arm yourself with as much parenting knowledge as possible. The visitors to demonstrate peoples’ desire for advice on such subjects as breastfeeding, nursery, postpartum and baby gear. Besides reviews of baby carriers and strollers, you can learn about breast pumps, baby monitors, teddy bear names and more. Here are some examples of the online advice you’ll discover:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice from others. It’s not a sign of weakness and you don’t want to suffer from burnout.
  • Don’t neglect your partner. Whilst you’ve become a team in the parenting process, you still need date nights and time without your child.
  • Don’t forget some ‘me time.’ You’re not a machine and you’ll be more productive if you boundary some time out from your parental responsibilities. Delegate some space and do something you enjoy.

Keep in mind that everyone’s experience is different (because every child is different), so take everything you read with a grain of salt. Also, make use of the resources that are given to you by the medical profession, from the pregnancy stage onwards.  

Do Be Positive 

Don’t just silently love or respect your children, instead be verbal and physically demonstrative. Giving your child praise and affirmation helps them to know that they’re doing something right, and it reinforces positive behavior. When you catch your child doing something good, let them know how proud you are of them. A simple “good job!” can go a long way. 

Don’t shout at your child, and avoid using negative words when addressing your children. Instead of saying “don’t run,” say “please walk.” It may seem like a small change, but it will make a big difference in how your child perceives themselves and their behaviors. 

Do Spend Quality Time And Set Boundaries

It’s massively important to spend quality time with your kids. When doing so, make sure that you’re present and not distracted by your phone or anything else. Give them your undivided attention and really listen to what they have to say. This will mean the world to them and will help strengthen your relationship.

In terms of boundaries, your kids need to know what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. This will help them understand the world around them and how to act in different situations. Be consistent with your boundaries and make sure you follow through with consequences if they’re not respected. Don’t feel bad about this process because children feel insecure if there are no boundaries in place.

Don’t Compare

Avoid making comparisons between siblings or other children. This can lead to feelings of inferiority and competition, rather than cooperation and love. 

Instead, focus on the unique strengths of each of your children and seek to encourage them.

Don’t Expect Too Much

We all want our kids to succeed, but putting too much pressure on them can actually do more harm than good. If your child feels like they’re constantly being compared to others or that they have to meet impossibly high standards, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. 

Instead of expecting perfection, try to focus on your child’s individual strengths and celebrate their accomplishments, no matter how small.

Don’t Overprotect Your Child

While we may not like it, our children are going to make mistakes. It’s a natural part of growing up and learning about the world. As tempting as it may be to try and protect them from every possible harm, it’s important to give them the space to make mistakes and learn from them. 

This doesn’t mean you should stand by while they do something dangerous, but it does mean that you shouldn’t try to control every aspect of their lives. Let them have some independence and allow them to grow into the people they’re meant to be.

Hopefully, these do’s and don’ts have empowered you and given you some practical strategies. In return for all your hard work, you’ll enjoy the process more, and reap the benefits in terms of a lifetime of love between you and your child.