You don’t need us to tell you how much a well-groomed beard can set you at the heights of fashion. But in all your efforts to get your beard on point, have you ever considered how your outfits blend with this key appearance feature?
Probably not, but you’d be surprised by how much better you can look when you blend your outfits and beard as one. Keep reading to find out about just a few of the fashions that could fit fantastically with your facial hair.
# 1 – Hats to Frame Your Face
Your beard is the pride and joy of your appearance. It’s certainly the thing you spend the longest on! So, why not make a big deal of it by quite literally framing it like a work of art? Hats can work wonders to highlight your beard choices, whatever they happen to be. Let’s say you’ve gone all out with a long, bushy beard – highlight it with beanies or felt cowboy hats that could add to your rustic edge. If you prefer a subtle bit of stubble, hat options including flat caps and fedoras can work well for highlighting your designer cheekbones and even a subtle shading of stubble.
# 2 – Tops That Leave Room for Face Hair
Big logo t-shirts or high-neck options like polo shirts don’t typically work well with beards. After all, your facial hair will likely obscure a large part of what that shirt has to offer. Not to mention that something like a polo might not be overly comfortable when it snags at your stubble! Instead, beaded men are better off opting for shirts that leave a little room, like v-necks. As well as flashing an additional splash of chest hair to set everyone’s heart thumping, these ensure your beard is free to do its thing without minimizing your clothing. Make sure, too, that you opt for shirts with either small logos, or pocket logos, which are less likely to detract from, and become obscured by, your beast of a beard.
# 3 – Suit Jackets Instead of Ties
Have you ever tried to fasten a tie with a big beard in the way? As you can imagine, it’s hardly the most comfortable experience. Unfortunately, some people treat even well-manicured beards as scruffy additions (yes, we are talking about your parents), and you don’t want to reinforce their opinion by failing to dress well for even smart occasions. Luckily, there is a compromise, and it comes in the form of well-fitted, tailored suit jackets. Without any need for a tie, these pieces of kit can give a smart or smart-casual vibe at the drop of a hat. If you opt for a tapered suit with buttons that start halfway down, this will also be the perfect fashion choice for letting your beard have its moment in the limelight.
Do you need to dress according to your beard? No. Will your beard look better if you factor it into your fashion choices? Undeniably, yes!