The cost of everything seems to be going up nowadays and, as a result, we’re tightening our belts around our wallets and purses. When you’re looking to cut costs, it’s always a wise idea to look at where the larger portions of your budget are going and, for many of us, that’s into our cars. Here, we’re going to look at how you can start cutting the costs of owning a car without having to get rid of the thing in the first place.
Make Sure That You’re Fuel Efficient
Aside from choosing a more fuel-efficient car for your next ride, you might think that there’s not a whole ton that you can do to cut fuel costs, but that’s not true. For one, you can make sure that you’re maintaining the right tire pressure, as uneven tires can cause your gas mileage to go up by around 3%. What’s more, you should avoid braking or accelerating too hard, or idling your engine when you’re parked to avoid unnecessary fuel spend.
Ensure Regular Maintenance
There are few costs that can feel crippling to your finances having to deal with expensive repairs or replacements. You can make sure that you avoid those by investing in maintaining your car more regularly, whether that means changing your oil and spark plugs yourself, or finding a reliable and affordable auto repair shop near you. It might sound counter-productive, but going to the garage a little more often could actually save you a lot of money down the line.
Rethink Your Insurance Policy
We all need insurance to be out on the road. It’s legally mandatory, after all. However, you could be paying a lot more to insure your car than you should be. Take the time to look at your existing policy and compare it to some of the options available from providers like Aside from switching your provider, you could also find savings in choosing what you exclude from your policy. For instance, not everyone is likely to make use of comprehensive car insurance that covers them in the event of car theft. If you’re driving an older car that’s unlikely to be targeted, it might be worth considering this.
Consider Refinancing Your Car
Aside from your insurance costs, the largest car-related expense you’re likely handling on a regular basis is the cost of the loan taken to pay for the car itself. You could potentially save al of each month if you decide to refinance your car loan, and there are loan comparison sites like that can help you find the arrangement that works for you, allowing you to lower your interest rate or reduce your monthly payment. You can, if able, even use it to pay off your car quicker so that you can free up a lot more room in your budget.
With the tips above, you could find some major savings that make a real difference to your budget. Just make sure that you don’t deprive yourself to the point that it becomes an inconvenience to get around.