
Wrongful Termination: Steps for Employees

Losing a job can be a devastating experience. However, employees may face additional challenges when termination is believed to be wrongful. Wrongful termination occurs when an employee may be fired for reasons that violate their rights. It may breach employment contracts or involve discrimination. 

In such cases, employees have the right to take specific steps to address the situation and seek compensation. Seeking guidance from a seasoned professional is crucial in these situations. Consider reaching out to California employment lawyer Raymond E. Hane III, who specializes in employment law cases. 

In this blog, we will provide employees with a comprehensive roadmap for navigating wrongful termination and asserting their rights effectively.

Understand Employment Contracts and Agreements

Before taking any action, employees should carefully review their employment contracts and any related agreements. Understanding the terms and conditions of employment is crucial. It forms the basis for evaluating whether the termination was wrongful.

Document Employment History

Maintain thorough records of your employment history. It should include performance evaluations, commendations, and any documentation related to workplace incidents. This documentation can serve as evidence to support your case if you decide to challenge the termination.

Identify Wrongful Termination Grounds

Determine the grounds for wrongful termination. Common reasons include discrimination based on race, gender, age, or other protected characteristics. It can be retaliation for whistleblowing, reporting illegal activities, or termination in violation of employment contracts.

Review Company Policies

Familiarize yourself with the company’s policies and procedures. If the termination appears to violate these policies, it strengthens your case. Companies are typically expected to follow their own rules and guidelines when terminating employees.

Consult an Employment Attorney

One of the most critical steps is to consult with an experienced employment attorney. They can help you assess the details of your case and provide legal guidance. They can also help you understand your rights and potential courses of action.

Gather Evidence

Collect evidence to support your claim. This may include emails, text messages, and witness statements. It can also be any other documentation to help establish your termination’s circumstances.

File a Complaint with HR

If your company has a Human Resources (HR) department, file a formal complaint. Provide a clear and detailed account of the events leading to your termination. Companies often have internal procedures for addressing workplace issues.

Explore Mediation or Arbitration

Some employment contracts require alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or arbitration. Discuss these options with your attorney to determine the most suitable course of action for your case.

File a Charge with Government Agencies

If your case involves discrimination or violation of labor laws, consider filing a charge with government agencies. These can include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state’s labor board.

Request a Right-to-Sue Letter

Mediation or government agencies may not be able to resolve the matter. In that case, you may need to request a right-to-sue letter from the EEOC or relevant state agency. This letter allows you to file a lawsuit against your former employer.

With the right-to-sue letter in hand, consult with your attorney to file a lawsuit against your former employer. Your employment attorney will guide you through the legal process. They will work to build a strong case on your behalf.

Negotiate a Settlement

In many cases, employers may prefer to settle out of court to avoid litigation costs and negative publicity. Your attorney can negotiate a settlement. This includes compensation for lost wages, emotional distress, or other damages.

Preparation for Trial

If a settlement cannot be reached, be prepared for a trial. Work closely with your attorney to build a robust case. Gather witnesses and ensure that you are well-prepared for legal proceedings.


Dealing with wrongful termination can be complex and emotionally challenging. By taking these steps and seeking professional guidance, employees can assert their rights. They can challenge unjust dismissals and seek the compensation and justice they deserve. Remember that consulting with an experienced employment attorney is crucial. They help to understand the specific nuances of your case and determine the best course of action.

Will Blade

An accomplished stock photographer and designer, Will is exploring the writing side of the world to help share the stories from his life around the world. Having lived in 5 countries, speaking 3 languages, Will brings a worldly view to the page with a creative flare.

Published by
Will Blade

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