Tile Item Finder

Sporty, Stylish Peace of Mind: The Tile Item Finder

You walk in your door after a long day, thinking about the fastest way to prepare a meal from the random assortment of foods in your kitchen. You open the fridge. Drop your keys. Grab the milk.

“One of the most important features of owning a Tile Item Finder is that you have access to the largest lost and found community in the world — approximately 4.5 million users!”

And decide cereal is the best option at this point.

Too many of my nights look like this. And too many of my mornings are spent looking for my keys and questioning my sanity after finding them in the fridge.

Tile, the world’s most popular item finder, is not only helping users like myself recover their misplaced keys, but it is also letting you do it in style. The sleek and fashionable Tile Sport and Style means that your item finder blends in with whatever you are looking to do.

Couple that with twice the Bluetooth range and double the volume over the previous model, as well as an IP68 waterproof rating and a $35 dollar price point, and I’m placing my order right now.

tile sport and style body look

I am all about more style and less bulk, and Tile has come a long way since its first item finder. I do like that they have always put a lot of emphasis on functionality and features, but those early models were too clunky for my taste. Fortunately, the Sport and Style have overcome the bulky/tasteless factor without sacrificing any of the functionality from the previous Tile gens.

One of the most important features of owning a Tile Item Finder is that you have access to the largest lost and found community in the world — approximately 4.5 million users! Other Tile users can help you relocate your lost keys/phone/wallet just by walking within range of your Tile.

Say you leave your phone at your local coffee watering hole (again), and you only remember when trying to put some music on in the car on your way to work. Someone in the Tile community will, hopefully, walk by your phone that day, allowing Tile to update your dropped devices last known location.

That benevolent Tile user never sees your lost device; the updated location data is sent through the Tile network to your smartphone only. Check out this video to see you could use the Tile, and how Tile is used by its community, below. You can find out more about the new generation of sleek-looking Tiles by visiting the official website.